Mobile Application March 15, 2018

What’s The Move?

Discover, Connect, Experience: Elevate Your Events with What’s The Move?

“What’s The Move?” (WTM) is a cutting-edge mobile application designed to enhance your event discovery experience. With a focus on what’s trending, who you follow, and event proximity, WTM allows all users to stay up-to-date with the latest events in their area.

WTM enables users to not only discover events but also actively participate in the community. You can post unique events, upload live photos and videos, and engage with your followers through likes, shares, comments, and re-posts.

The application also offers direct messaging features, allowing you to connect and interact with other users directly. Additionally, WTM provides a personalized calendar feature that helps you organise all your favorite events, ensuring you never miss out on the experiences that matter to you.

Powered by iOS, JSON, and a robust content management system (CMS), WTM offers a seamless and intuitive user experience. The iOS platform ensures a smooth and responsive interface, while JSON enables efficient data exchange between the app and the server. The CMS empowers administrators to manage and update event listings, ensuring accurate and timely information for all users.

  • Strategy

    iPhone Application

  • Design

    iOS, JSON, CMS

Work with WebPlanex

Core feature

Empower Your Event Experience: Unveiling WTM’s Dynamic Event Discovery

Event Discovery

The WTM app allows users to discover the latest events based on what's trending, who they follow, and event proximity. Users can stay updated on popular events happening in their area and explore new experiences.

User-Generated Content

WTM enables users to post unique events, as well as upload live photos and videos. This user-generated content can be liked, shared, commented on, and re-posted by followers, fostering engagement and interaction within the community.

Direct Messaging

The app includes direct messaging features, enabling users to communicate with each other privately. This allows for direct interaction, event coordination, and sharing of event-related information among users.

Personalized Calendar

WTM provides a personalized calendar feature that helps users organize their favorite events. Users can add events to their calendar, set reminders, and easily keep track of upcoming events they are interested in attending.

Social Interactions

Through liking, sharing, commenting, and re-posting, WTM encourages social interactions and engagement within the community. Users can connect with others who share similar interests in events and engage in discussions or conversations related to the events they discover.

User-Friendly Interface

The WTM app is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for users to navigate and access the features and functionalities it offers. The interface aims to enhance the overall user experience and provide a seamless event discovery and organization process.

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